The path to buying a Franchise has a lot of important decision points. Some of the most important decisions are at the very beginning of the process – before you’ve even reviewed business concepts. Before you ask to speak to a restaurant, painting company or senior care business – or any other franchise business – the following are some of the important business considerations that our consultative process helps you determine. These, and others, are all directed toward narrowing the franchise choices to those that provide optimal Work-Life Equilibrium for YOU:
Home-Based, Mobile, Retail, Office?
Do you need the flexibility to choose how and where you work? Is it important that you “hit the gym” after the kids go to school but before you sit at your desk? What are your plans for covering your business when you are sick, on vacation, at a conference?
Skilled, Non-Skilled or No Employees
Does the day fly by when you are inspiring, leading and managing employees?Is personal contribution more your style? What are your learning and decision-making expectations for new associates?
Single, Multiple, Area Opportunities
Is the familiarity of a single location what you envision? Have you considered the thrill and requirements of owning a business built to scale? Do you have a passion for networking and sales? Do you love training and thinking about real estate?
Owner-Operator, Executive Ownership
Do you want to be involved in all aspects of the business each day? Would you prefer to manage the Manager and provide strategic and P&L oversight? Do you want to invest and leave it to others to report to you periodically?
Our role in the process is to learn about you and help you identify your requirements for your most passionate life – and then introduce you to the business opportunities that are the best match. Learn More
Want to understand a little bit more about yourself that can guide your choices? The BAI Assessment Core Values Index (CVI) is the only human assessment that uses strategic and tactical values to find that innate nature of the person. Year after year, the CVI will have a 97% repeat-score reliability! This is the highest reliability score of any human profiling instrument. Take yours today!
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