Everyone Has A Reason Why - Franchise Business Source


Everyone Has A Reason Why

28 August, 2024 0 comment

Be My Own Boss

Over 85% of the respondents to Franchise Insights periodic survey selected this as top driver to wanting to start a business.

This particular answer has consistently been the top response in over five years of conducting the survey.

Personally, one of my big reasons was not wanting the corporate weight on my shoulders. Have you felt that weight: worrying about the ability to deliver to your clients, being asked to come up with sales numbers that are lighter than air?

Or maybe you want something that gives you more flexibility – and less guilt – to balance your personal life with your business life.

We are super curious, so we have re-created the survey. Please use this link to complete it. We’d like to hear from you – what is the reason you are, or were, researching franchise businesses?

In case you are shy, we are providing a little incentive! We will send a $25 e-gift card to one lucky respondent, chosen randomly once the survey has closed (about two weeks out).

We will visit these responses throughout the upcoming months.
Good Luck!

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